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Non rewrite link for pages(lighttpd, nginx)


Chevereto Member
Hey, what links of pages(contact,tos) I use for non rewrite server. I need this to make rewrite ruls for lighttpd.

something like: example.com/?pages=contact.php ?
Why not setup Apache and Nginx together? Let Nginx serve the static files while Apache can process the PHP requests and .htaccess files.
I like nginx, and lighttpd. Lighty for php, ang nginx for static. I need only clear php links for pages.
Pure nginx implementation need to emulate htaccess, I think that lighty also needs that... Actually I don't know how to do it but I will ask to a close friend who runs Chevereto on a nginx server.

Btw, In the server requirements there is clear that you need apache or something that can understand mod_rewrite. Just telling you.
I need just simple link to page contact using PHP. For page with image we have http://example.com/?v=pzgRq.png there must me something for page contact/about/tos - then I'll make my rewrite rules.

Rodolfo is you find out, what rewrite rules use for nginx or lighttpd that should tell me what php links are used for pages.

Ok, the setup of my friend is nginx + php-fpm and this:
location / {
    index index.html index.htm index.php;
    try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php;

Basically, he uses the php-fpm to handle the request, here is the full snipet: http://pastie.org/2565916

Now, that is one way to achieve it. Since I notice that this will happen someday, I made Chevereto handlings pretty similar to Wordpress... Therefore, a lot of Wordpress guides on how to run rewrite rules on any server that isn't Apache works :p

Take a look at this: http://michaelshadle.com/2009/03/19/finally-using-nginxs-try-files-directive But this uses a controller... Meaning that you need a non-friendly version of that, like "q=blabla&w=bleble..." but Chevereto hasn't that, all the URL are made to be friendly and there is no ugly version of it.

But you can do something like this: http://lyncd.com/2008/10/running-wordpress-on-nginx/ and it will work.

I hope that some of this configurations works for you ;)
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php;
yes this works fine witch nginx. But lighttpd and cheve not working.