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Moving over from CF image host (Chevereto 2.0)


Chevereto Member
Hi There,

I'm currently running a slightly modified version of CF image host on my site, recently purchased Chev 2.0 and after making a few changes to the design want to go live with it shortly.

I was reading the topic http://chevereto.com/forums/topic1067-moving-over-from-cf-image-host-14.html and basically i've got the same problem.

Small quote from the topic above
tonemapped said:
I am fed up with the total lack of support from CF however I have over 14,000 images to move over to a new hosting system.

The format (direct link) is for example: http://anony.ws/di-LSHT.jpg, but the actual image name would be just LSHT.jpg.

Is there any way to move these images over to Chevereto v2.0?


I was hoping someone might be able to help me further in regards to what needs to be done?

Any help is appreciated.

Thanks again.
This must be done using an .htaccess rule.
For example I have done this on the demo with the default .htaccess:

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^api$ api.php [L]
RewriteRule ^di-(.*)?$ images/$1 [L]

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . index.php [L]

Options -Indexes

Notice the line:
RewriteRule ^di-(.*)?$ images/$1 [L]

And now, a URL like this: http://demo.chevereto.com/di-tfxYk.png
Shows an image that is actually here: http://demo.chevereto.com/images/tfxYk.png

Is that simple ;)
Thanks for the prompt response and help Rodolfo ill give this a try later on this afternoon most likely as I want to switch my site over as soon as possible. Ill let you know the outcome.