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You need PHP 5.4+ message on the installation page


💖 Chevereto Fan
Hi @Rodolfo
It's been a while since I first installed Chevereto, so this suggestion might already exist. So please forgive me if it does.

Would it be possible for the installation script to detect what PHP version is running on the server?
If it's below 5.4, then disable the "Install" button, and display a message like:

"Chevereto requires PHP 5.4+. Please contact your hosting provider"

This could act like a 'minimum requirements' page as such.
Just a suggestion to try and eliminate the people from posting the same errors on the forum.

These are two posts that I have found very quickly.

I understand that Chevereto already has a 'Requirements' page.

However, the errors that people are getting aren't pointing them towards the actual problem. If that makes sense.
Chevereto already does that.
In folder app/lib integrity-check.php is called in the loader.php to run checks (very important).
So if a user changes say the php version to like 5.3.0 (or has that version already) an exception (via chevereto_die()) is called automatically and will remain until the php version is >= 5.4.0
same for other things like curl, mod_rewrite, gd, mysql/pdo etc...
Even though yeah the requirements page doesn't say everything it does point out the main core requirement and that is the php version / pdo ~= mysql
Hope that breaks things down.
For PHP < 5.4 you can't do a pre-check because the PHP 5.4 syntax breaks the script when executing PHP 5.3 or lower. This means that you can't put something to detect PHP 5.4 because you will get a E_PARSE error.