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Where do I get the network license from after paying Arvixe?


Chevereto Member
Hi, I paid for the $48 Arvixe network bundle and I haven't received a license. I have talked to the support and they weren't helpful either. I have tried clicking on the license activation link and the page isn't found... I'm not really sure what to do now.
The system used to be all automatic but at this time is all manual and that's why it takes that long. For those who purchase the bundle is needed to send the order details (email, order number and invoice number) to inbox@chevereto.com or fill the form here: https://chevereto.com/contact/?subject=license-activation

In your case I've already asked for confirmation but in weekends everything is slower. Soon as I get the OK from Arvixe I will install everything for you. Don't worry about it.