Chevereto Free doesn't come from the same branch as Chevereto (paid edition). Current branch for Chevereto Free v1.0.8 was taken from Chevereto v3.8.13.
Queues manage external storage deletes so that functionality is taken away from Chevereto Free. Seems to me that you tried something like merge an old pirated release with Chevereto Free? It is very odd that you get an issue with queues on Chevereto Free unless you are doing something that you shouldn't.
Queues manage external storage deletes so that functionality is taken away from Chevereto Free. Seems to me that you tried something like merge an old pirated release with Chevereto Free? It is very odd that you get an issue with queues on Chevereto Free unless you are doing something that you shouldn't.
@Rodolfo thanks for confirming and the responses. And my apologies, I was trying to figure out why mutli-select deletes didn't seem to work and assumed the failed calls to ?queue I saw in chrome dev tools was relevant to the issue. Red herring.
Thanks for the great product. Been looking at several options, chevereto definitely stands out (same goes for G\).