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What is intended action course for deletion of 'awaiting-confirmation' user_status?


👽 Chevereto Freak
▶ Reproduction steps
  1. Edit any test user account which is older than 3 days
  2. Change status to "awaiting-confirmation" or "awaiting-email"
  3. Account will be deleted within 5 minutes depending on your cron setup.
😢 Unexpected result

I am not sure if it is unexpected. Just looking for explanation if it is how it is meant to be.
on v3.18.3 I did set all users with email null to "awaiting-email" to enforce them to add email to their account on next login. None of these accounts were deleted by system in last few weeks. I suspect it was because of directory unlink bug.
I know that new registrations with "awaiting-email" status is deleted within 2-3 days if account status is not changed to "valid" after email confirmation.
Also, I changed one of the account to 'awaiting-confirmation' from 'valid' for one user, as he needed his email changed to new one. and that account was immediately deleted.
Is it same for all accounts that is changed from valid to "awaiting-email" or "awaiting-confirmation"?
If yes. Is there a way to enforce all users to add email on their next login?

📃 Error log message

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Awaiting email also requires the user to click the activation link made for that request, you can't forge that system to get the user to put an email.

I believe that this can be only fixed if the condition is for both login and signup, I can't imagine any forged scenario in which this could be made without changing the source.