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Watermark on API uploads

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Chevereto Member
Not sure if this is a feature or a bug, but I can't seem to get watermarks working on API uploads.
I'm guessing it's a different route in?
Is the same method, but API uploads are sent as guest uploads. Maybe you have disabled watermark for guest uploads.
Interesting.. it's just for api GIF uploads. I do have the "Enable watermark on GIF image uploads" checked.
yet, watermarks are NOT appearing on gif uploads. I'm guessing there is a unique feature that enables that, and
a requirement that is needed?
Ah, I see it has nothing to do with API, and everything to do with watermarking gifs.

For animated gifs, no watermark is shown.
For unanimated gifs, it breaks completely and doesn't save the image.

If I uncheck the "Enable watermark on GIF image uploads"
it uploads normally.
Is it using the gd library?
GD LibraryVersion bundled (2.1.0 compatible) JPEG:1 GIF:1/1 PNG:1 WBMP:1 XBM:1
GIF watermarking is awful when using GD. In the future I will implement something more efficient but for now is not something that works in a neat way.
Since the system does watermark API uploads I will label this as filled. Note that I'm aware of the limitations of the gif watermarking.
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