1. This:
Warning: include_once(app/loader.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/public_html/artgallery/index.php on line 20
Warning: include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening 'app/loader.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/public_html/artgallery/index.php on line 20
Can't find app/loader.php
Is telling us that the app/loader.php file can't be included. Indeed, the file isn't there:
So the issue there is a broken installation due to missing files.
2. Your server is blocking Chevereto.com which means that you can't:
Please note that these restrictions are imposed by your hosting company. After seeing those restrictions,
I don't recommend anyone to consider A2Hosting to install Chevereto and is very outrageous that they publish a
landing page saying that they are "The Perfect Chevereto Hosting Solution" but at the same time they block our IP.
3. Chevereto needs PHP > 5.4 to run (+7.0.0 recommended) so I had to switch your website to a more recent PHP version. Unfortunately, this hosting company doesn't allow you to select different PHP version for each website so I had to use PHP 5.5.13 just to don't break anything else in your server.
4. This server has a faulty DateTime setup, I've to add a little hack into app/settings.php file.
5. I've installed Chevereto on your website but be aware of the remarks I did in point 2. I've emailed you admin login credentials. Please note that there could be more issues because your server configuration is very outdated, in any case, please remember that Chevereto support handles system issues, not server configuration issues.