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    • 😌 This community is user driven. Be polite with other users.
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    Support checklist

    • ⚠️ Got a Something went wrong message? Read this guide and provide the actual error. Do not skip this.
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v3 to v4 upgrade failure

PHP version
Database driver
Database version
Web browser


Chevereto Member
Attention: No official support is provided at Community Help, this is for users helping each other. If you want official support go to chevereto.com/support

app/bin/legacy -C update
Chevere\Throwable\Exceptions\LogicException thrown in /www/wwwroot/demo.wongcw.com/app/legacy/install/installer.php:1936

# Message
Problems executing the update query, must run the following statements directly in your SQL console. <pre style="overflow:auto;"><code>ALTER TABLE chv_requests MODIFY request_type enum('upload','signup','account-edit','account-password-forgot','account-password-reset','account-resend-activation','account-email-needed','account-change-email','account-activate','login','content-password', 'account-two-factor') NOT NULL;
INSERT IGNORE INTO chv_login_passwords (login_password_user_id, login_password_date_gmt, login_password_hash)
SELECT login_user_id, max(login_date_gmt), login_secret
FROM chv_logins
WHERE login_type = "password"
GROUP BY login_user_id;
INSERT IGNORE INTO chv_login_cookies (login_cookie_user_id, login_cookie_connection_id, login_cookie_date_gmt,
login_cookie_ip, login_cookie_user_agent, login_cookie_hash)
SELECT login_user_id, 0, login_date_gmt, login_ip, login_hostname, login_secret
FROM chv_logins
WHERE login_type = "cookie"
GROUP BY login_date_gmt
ORDER BY login_date_gmt DESC;
INSERT IGNORE INTO chv_login_connections (login_connection_user_id, login_connection_provider_id, login_connection_date_gmt,
login_connection_resource_id, login_connection_resource_name,
SELECT login_user_id, login_provider_id, max(login_date_gmt), login_resource_id, login_resource_name, '' token
FROM chv_logins
JOIN chv_login_providers ON login_provider_name = login_type
WHERE login_type IN ('facebook', 'twitter', 'google', 'vk')
GROUP BY login_user_id, login_provider_id;
UPDATE chv_login_providers
SET login_provider_key_id = '', login_provider_key_secret = '', login_provider_is_enabled = '0'
WHERE login_provider_name = 'facebook';UPDATE chv_login_providers
SET login_provider_key_id = '', login_provider_key_secret = '', login_provider_is_enabled = '0'
WHERE login_provider_name = 'twitter';UPDATE chv_login_providers
SET login_provider_key_id = '', login_provider_key_secret = '', login_provider_is_enabled = '0'
WHERE login_provider_name = 'google';UPDATE chv_login_providers
SET login_provider_key_id = '', login_provider_key_secret = '', login_provider_is_enabled = '0'
WHERE login_provider_name = 'Vkontakte';

ALTER TABLE chv_users ADD KEY user_palette_id (user_palette_id);
INSERT INTO chv_settings (setting_name, setting_value, setting_default, setting_typeset) VALUES ('logo_type', 'vector', 'vector', 'string');
INSERT INTO chv_settings (setting_name, setting_value, setting_default, setting_typeset) VALUES ('theme_palette', '0', '0', 'string');

INSERT INTO chv_settings (setting_name, setting_value, setting_default, setting_typeset) VALUES ('enable_xr', '0', '0', 'bool');
INSERT INTO chv_settings (setting_name, setting_value, setting_default, setting_typeset) VALUES ('xr_host', 'localhost', 'localhost', 'string');
INSERT INTO chv_settings (setting_name, setting_value, setting_default, setting_typeset) VALUES ('xr_port', '27420', '27420', 'string');
INSERT INTO chv_settings (setting_name, setting_value, setting_default, setting_typeset) VALUES ('xr_key', '', '', 'string');

INSERT INTO chv_settings (setting_name, setting_value, setting_default, setting_typeset) VALUES ('route_user', 'user', 'user', 'string');
INSERT INTO chv_settings (setting_name, setting_value, setting_default, setting_typeset) VALUES ('root_route', 'user', 'user', 'string');

INSERT INTO chv_settings (setting_name, setting_value, setting_default, setting_typeset) VALUES ('arachnid', '0', '0', 'bool');
INSERT INTO chv_settings (setting_name, setting_value, setting_default, setting_typeset) VALUES ('arachnid_key', '', '', 'string');
INSERT INTO chv_settings (setting_name, setting_value, setting_default, setting_typeset) VALUES ('image_first_tab', 'info', 'info', 'string');

INSERT INTO chv_settings (setting_name, setting_value, setting_default, setting_typeset) VALUES ('website_random_guest', '1', '1', 'bool');
INSERT INTO chv_settings (setting_name, setting_value, setting_default, setting_typeset) VALUES ('website_search_guest', '1', '1', 'bool');
INSERT INTO chv_settings (setting_name, setting_value, setting_default, setting_typeset) VALUES ('debug_errors', '0', '0', 'bool');
INSERT INTO chv_settings (setting_name, setting_value, setting_default, setting_typeset) VALUES ('news_check_datetimegmt', '', '', 'string');

DELETE FROM chv_settings WHERE setting_name = 'theme_main_color';
DELETE FROM chv_settings WHERE setting_name = 'theme_top_bar_button_color';
UPDATE chv_settings SET setting_value = "4.0.0" WHERE setting_name = "chevereto_version_installed";</code></pre>

# Incident ID:633a8cb4ba0d3

# Time
2022-10-03T07:18:12+00:00 [1664781492]

# Stack trace
#0 /www/wwwroot/demo.wongcw.com/app/legacy/install/installer.php:1936
#1 /www/wwwroot/demo.wongcw.com/app/legacy/commands/update.php:18
#2 /www/wwwroot/demo.wongcw.com/app/legacy/entrypoints/cli.php:53
#3 /www/wwwroot/demo.wongcw.com/app/bin/legacy:13

# Server
Linux wongcw 3.10.0-1160.62.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Apr 5 16:57:59 UTC 2022 x86_64