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Upload file size setting will not go above 2MB despite PHP.ini allowing 10

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PHP version
Database driver
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Web browser


Chevereto Member
I am attempting to increase the max upload file size to 10Mb
I understand that the PHP.ini must allow for it.
Chevereto settings don't seem to want to allow me to increase this size above 2Mb.
Is there something I need to do to get Chevereto to recognize the larger size limit?
Thank you for your time.
Chevereto enables to set a value within the reported server limit. In this case your server runtime reports 2M upload and 8M for post.

Most likely your server doesn't update the value or set it wrong, note that such ini setting is limited per dir.

Thank you! in the end I put in a ticket with my Host and they adjusted it for me.
I see it reflected in Chevereto's settings (where it tells me what the max is set to and I adjusted it as I wanted.

Thank you for the time... and the feature that shows what the max is set to is REALLY helpful.