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Upgrading issue 4.2.3 to 4.2.4


💖 Chevereto Fan
I've not posted this in the bugs section as it's not reproducible. It was basically a clone of production in a test environment which has since been overwritten.

Basically when upgrading from 4.2.3 to 4.2.4 I received the following when using the Upgrade button in the dashboard.

19:54:36 * Lock downloading process
19:54:36 * Attempt to use licensed version [CHEVERETO_LICENSE_KEY provided]
19:54:36 * About to download Chevereto 4
19:54:36 * Unlock downloading process
19:54:36 * [ERROR] Undefined property: stdClass::$status_code

Subsequently upgrading manually worked without issue, including the database element.

There were zero errors.

Don't need support as manually upgraded, but posted here in case this is relevant.

PHP 8.1.31
MariaDB 10.5.27
Thank you for reporting this issue.

It appears that the problem is related to unhandled HTTP service error, which can rarely happens but it does sometimes.

We appreciate your feedback and will look into improving this aspect. If you need further assistance, please feel free to reach out.