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Upgraded from Free to Paid version and want to install it

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Chevereto Member
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Chevereto version

Description of the issue
I installed the Free version using CPanel. Then I purchased the Network version 3.10.1. Now I want install the Network version. I uploaded the web php file but am unable to activate it and get installation instructions. - having some problems with FTP access to my site using Filezilla at the moment (apparently, others are, too), so maybe that was the cause of the problem. Here are some details:

Chevereto Network license purchased today.

"Your payment has been processed and now your license is active. From this moment you have lifetime version updates and support. License type: Network. Creation date: 2017-08-25 09:24:24 (GMT). Expiration date: Until next major version. Visit our client section to download releases, get support, view license information and more. Thank you for your business. Chevereto."

Not knowing which directory to install the Network version - same as Free version or other? That's just one of my problems. So, would you be able to do a remote install for me, please?
Not knowing which directory to install the Network version - same as Free version or other?

If you want to upgrade you have to do it in the same directory where the free edition is installed. The instructions are quite easy to follow:
  1. Download the paid edition web installer
  2. Upload this file to your target destination (usually the public_html folder)
  3. Open your website target destination URL and follow the install process
  4. Go to /update to complete the process.
Alternative methods can be found here: https://github.com/Chevereto/Chevereto-Free#upgrade-to-paid-edition

Step 1: Download the paid edition web installer


Step 2: Upload this file to your target destination (usually the public_html folder)


In this case, you have it installed in public_html/chevereto and I've used cPanel file manager to upload the file. Yu can do it via cPanel, SSH, FTP, whatever. Since index.php already exists it will ask you to overwrite that file which is exactly what you want to do.

Step 3: Open your website target destination URL and follow the install process


It ask for your license key, which you get from https://chevereto.com/panel/license


If the web installer fails is because your server misses some requirement (like zip library or stuff like that). In those cases just download the complete system and re-upload all files. Don't worry, nothing will be lost.

At this point your website already has the paid edition system files uploaded, once you login (admin) it will ask you to install the database upgrade.


Step 4: Go to /update to complete the process. Follow that "update" link and done.


I know that some are having issues with upgrading from free to paid, but as you may notice, it is very easy to achieve the upgrade. I thought that the process was extremely easy and that I didn't need to spend time developing an easier way to do it, but it seems that I will have to.
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