I made some changes to the script to be able to upload the images to the root folder and the thumbs to "[root]/thumbs".
In chevereto.php I changed this line:
to this:
In config.php I used these values:
But the paths to the "Thumbnail + link" that show up in the Image Viewer are incorrect. The folder "thumbs" is not there.
The paths show up like this:
Instead of this:
Can you please help me on how to correct these thumbnails paths?
Thanks in advance for your help.
I made some changes to the script to be able to upload the images to the root folder and the thumbs to "[root]/thumbs".
In chevereto.php I changed this line:
define('__PATH_IMAGES__', __ROOT_DIR__.__FOLDER_IMAGES__.'/');
define('__PATH_IMAGES__', __ROOT_DIR__);
In config.php I used these values:
$config['folder_images'] = '';
$config['folder_thumbs'] = 'thumbs';
- the images are uploaded to the root folder correctly;[/*]
- the thumbs are created and are placed in the "[root]/thumbs" folder correctly;[/*]
But the paths to the "Thumbnail + link" that show up in the Image Viewer are incorrect. The folder "thumbs" is not there.
The paths show up like this:
HTML: <a href="http://website.com/fsSy3.png"><img src="http://website.com/fsSy3.png" border="0" /></a>
BBCode: [url="http://website.com/fsSy3.png"][img]http://website.com/fsSy3.png[/img][/url]
Thumb URL: http://website.com/fsSy3.png
HTML: <a href="http://website.com/fsSy3.png"><img src="http://website.com/thumbs/fsSy3.png" border="0" /></a>
BBCode: [url="http://website.com/fsSy3.png"][img]http://website.com/thumbs/fsSy3.png[/img][/url]
Thumb URL: http://website.com/thumbs/fsSy3.png
Can you please help me on how to correct these thumbnails paths?
Thanks in advance for your help.