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Theme overrides not working at all


Chevereto Member
I've copied chevereto_4.1.4_a63dcebd26aa/content/legacy/themes/Peafowl/header.php to
app/themes/Peafowl/overrides/header.php and modified the file (even tried deleting all the content in the file), but nothing changes

From the docs

Screenshot 2024-10-14 at 13.15.52.jpg
Would be great if the docs could be updated then to reflect that. Also it doesn't inspire more confidence to work in a folder called 'legacy', to me something called 'legacy' is reserved for old code that should not be used anymore.
it doesn't inspire more confidence to work in a folder called 'legacy', to me something called 'legacy' is reserved for old code that should not be used anymore.
Legacy means in this context "be extremely careful with that axe Eugene". Chevereto is a 17 year old project, it has systems which date really back and the theme system is one of the oldest systems I still use.

Chevereto V4 is a transition release, its goal is to modernize from these old systems to more modern stuff. It may change several times and that's why I used the term legacy, so you can later tell yourself "he told me so".

Contrary to what internet says about legacy code, I do still maintain and care about my "legacy", which now I realize it should named "evolving" or something like that.
so that themes folder is leftover from the previous version?

how many other files are leftover from previous versions? I started renaming some of them to see if they break my site so i can delete them.

what would be the best solution achieve this?

just delete everything and copy over the newest version files then transfer back the env file?

I've been meaning to clean up my server. Many software scripts always leave old files behind.

what would be the best solution achieve this?
Whatever feels better to you is the best course of action, there's no better or worse way of perform that kind of cleanup. What I did take care is on to limit access to all these old files under a single PHP entry point.

Of course you can simply wipe and replace, just don't erase the uploads folder.