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Stumbleupon share button - plz include it


Chevereto Member
I have seen stumble upon drives lot of image traffic, I am missing it. Please add it to next release.
Social features have been postponed until version 3.6
You'll need to wait for that I'm afraid.
Oh, before you ask... NO ETA :)
Hey Ashley,
I am not talking about social features, I am requesting Rodolfo to include Stumble button to our sharing buttons we already have.
Hmm, well I just searched for the location where we can add it... and it appears to already be there.
But it's been commented out?? For some reason? Maybe it doesn't work correctly?

The css is also in place...
Try removing the comment tags and see if it works for you.
I've just added it to my website (by removing the comment tag), and it doesn't really work as intended... Well, I don't think it does anyway. I've never used StumbleUpon, so maybe I'm using it wrongly??

Probably the reason why Rodolfo removed it from the code for now.
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StumbleUpon sharer stop working long time ago and not only for Chevereto but for everyone else. In the past this worked to trigger an StumbleUpon add URL dialog:


But that doesn't work anymore and not even AddThis works properly with StumbleUpon. They ask for a customized JavaScript widget that I won't include by default but if you need it you can customize the theme and add it.