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SSL | Gray warning triangle


💖 Chevereto Fan
I have two Chevereto installations with SSL. Both certificates are the "same".

At installation 1 everything works fine. I get a Gray padlock when I open the site in FF. But at installation 2 I get an Gray warning triangle, when I open the site.
Everything is the same on both installations: VirtualHosts entries, SSL provider, ...

Any ideas?

When using HTTPS, all the resources must be loaded using the https protocol to get the full https ok icon. In your website I see multiple http:// resources, like juiciads and an external storage. Unless you change all those to https:// (working https no just change the protocol) you won't get the ok icon.
But when I activate SSL for the external storage (S3) the images are broken (not visible).

I know, why it works on PIXr. without problems. I did the upload of the pictures before I add the external storage. So, the pictures on the startpage of PIXr. will load locally.
At SEXr. the pictures will load directly from the storage.
Ok - I figured it out.

You cannot use your own (sub)domain (Subdomain: s3.storage.domain.com | CNAME: s3.storage.domain.com.s3.amazonaws.com) at AWS S3 if you want to use SSL. You must access via "bucket.s3.amazonaws.com" - The bucket name does not have any dots: NO: my.cool.storage.s3.amazonaws.com - YES: my-cool-storage.s3.amazonaws.com

Thanks for your support.