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SSL database connection

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💖 Chevereto Fan
What did I need to change to use a db connection through SSL?

After last night my database crashed again, I want to test the SQL server from Google Cloud. There is an option to enable SSL connections to the SQL server and I want to try this. Connections without SSL works fine - but when my projects already SSL secured, so I should also secure the db connection.

For this I had to add:

$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=ip;dbname=db', 'user', 'pass', array(
  PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_KEY  =>'/etc/mysql/ssl/client-key.pem',
  PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CERT =>'/etc/mysql/ssl/client-cert.pem',
  PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CA   =>'/etc/mysql/ssl/ca-cert.pem'

The settings.php has no options to add certs.

Is Chevereto ready to use SSL database connections?
At this time it doesn't supports SSL database connections, to be honest this is the first time I head about it.

You can hack loader.php here:


And instead of getting the instance just do a new DB(<params>) there, here is the constructor:


Problem is that you will always need to do this hack for each update but don't worry. For next version I will allow to pass custom DB params in the settings.php file. Sounds good?
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Sounds good - and I can wait for that update. No problem. NonSSL is working - but for the future I want to switch to SSL, if possible ...
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