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Some suggestions to new functionallity


Chevereto Member
First of all, thank you for an awesome image hosting platform.
I have translated for 8 hours now into Norwegian and customized as we want it.
This is exactly what we were looking for to our members.

But we miss some features and wonder if it would be possible to get them:

Lock user account (from admin panel)
We offer this image uploading service to our members - and if the member does not renew the membership, we need to close the account.
If an account has been locked, user must contact administrator.

Auto resize of images
I know this was an feature earlier, and has been removed.
Many people upload images in full resolution - would be great to have a setting that says
"Max image resolution: 1650 - resize atuomatically if image exeeds this"

Integration to vBulletin (4.x.x and 5.x.x)
As we are going to offer this service to our members, it would be great to have an integration against vBulletin.
Example: in Control Panel, choose "Integrate with vBulletin"
Cheverto platform will then connect to vBulletin database and force users to log in with same account as in our forum. Name and other info can be fetched from the vBulletin database. Also a requirement that user belongs to one or more specific groups in vBulletin to grant access.
Note: if this can be implemented, "Lock user account" is not necessary for us, but maybe for others.

Thanks in advance


Volvo Car Club Norway
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Auto resize of images
I know this was an feature earlier, and has been removed.
Many people upload images in full resolution - would be great to have a setting that says
"Max image resolution: 1650 - resize atuomatically if image exeeds this"

Added in v3.8.12