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Some questions about uploaded page modifications


Chevereto Member

I have questions about how-to modify some things of the uploaded page for multi-uploads:

-Where can I make taller (+height) the uploaded_list div id (114px by default) so it doesn't need a scroll bar?

-How can I make the thumbnail+link code linked to the visualizator instead of the full image (both in the textarea before at the top of the page and at the bottom (after the image)? And the normal bb codes (no thumb)? And link the direct links of the textarea to the visualizator instead of the image file?

Thanks :) (and sorry for my bad english)
1. Go to content/system/js/peafowl.php and find this:
and replace with:

2. From the documentation:
> get_thumb_html($arg)
Returns the image thumb as HTML tag, like <img src="" border="0" />. If $arg = true (default) the code will generate a link to the full image url, $arg = false will use the viewer instead. show_thumb_html() echoes this function.

> get_thumb_bbcode($arg)
Returns the thumb + img link as BB-Code. If $arg = true (default) the code will generate a link to the full image url, $arg = false will use the viewer instead. show_thumb_bbcode() echoes this function.

You have to go to the view.php file of your template dir and change the calls to that functions to include the "false"argument.
Open content/themes/Peafowl/view.php and change this:

to this:

And change this:

to this:
Mmm then you are doing something wrong. Like using and old version or not uploading the changes.