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Resize image in pre-uploader

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Chevereto Member
It seems that the max-width of resize in the pre-uploader is 600px only,
Can i change the max-width of resize in the pre-uploader?
like the max-width equal to the width of original one.

Also , If i don't change some info. include name and the default resize data , it can't be resized.
When i want to change the name or set it to nsfw only one by one in the pre-uploader, it is also resized...
Just have the resized image, the original one is disappeared.
Is it a bug?
Yes, it is a bug. I already have a patch for it but I need to do the usual tests.

Most likely I will ship this next release tomorrow.
It seems that the max-width of resize in the pre-uploader is 600px only,
Even the max-width of resize in the pre-uploader is also a bug?
Is the same thing, when I removed the client side resizing I forgot that the original width and height isn't present in the loader library that I'm using. So I modified the library to include the original resolution so problem solved.

But like I said, this release is delayed and it will be released tomorrow.
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