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Please keep in mind:
Can you include a option to resend activation mail...
This option currently exists in version Chevereto 3.6.3
I think that is not necessary.I edited the original post to be more clear..
Can you include a option to resend user activation mail in dashboard for admin. (shows up if the user has not yet confirmed the email)
If the user didn't confirmed the account in the 48hrs time limit I don't see why you may need to resend that confirmation. Most likely is a bot or someone who used an invalid email address (no inbox) so I don't think that we need this.
Note that for v3.6.4 I've added a message that appears when an user try to register with either an username or an email address which already belongs to an user awaiting confirmation and it will display the re-send activation link.
I like simple and neat solutions, at least for the eyes of the end user so I'm not that into weird "what if" scenarios.
In this case account confirmation is done with the sole purpose of get users which use an email address that they actually access and 2 days to confirm an account is good enough for everybody.
That said, I don't see why we need so send twice this confirmation or why it should be done manually.
Those unvalidated accounts doesn't reserve the associated username or email so there are no issues here but the few extra bits of each user row which will be taken care when I add maintenance crons for Chevereto.