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reCaptcha integration in contact.php

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Chevereto Member
Hey guys,

I wanted to integrate reCaptcha in contact.php, but it doesn't work.
I uploaded recaptchalib.php to content/themes/Peafowl/pages so the captcha can work.
I noticed the $_POST (in contact.php) which is at the beginning of the file and the <form> in the end of it.
So I coded this for the form :
$publickey = "PublicKey";
echo recaptcha_get_html($publickey);
Where PublicKey = the publickey of my website and this for the data "recovery" :
$privatekey = "PrivateKey";
$resp = recaptcha_check_answer (
Where PrivateKey = the privatekey of my website

The captcha loads but I still can send an e-mail without filling it, so I don't know...
If someone could help me, it would be cool !
You need to write a conditional for when the challenge fail. That is all your code?
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