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Re-upload image & not change file name


Chevereto Noob

Here are some pre-sale questions for the new version Cheverto. Thanks for the help.

- Can I disable the Facebook, Twitter and Google sign-up?

-Can I renew(re-upload) a image and the image file name no changes? (only image change, file name, keyword, description not change)

-User can add their watermark?

-For multi-server feature. Can I storage all files on different shared web hosting?


Hi Rumi,

1. Actually social signup is turned of by default and you can turn on just what you want (For instance just turn on Facebook)
2. You can set the file upload naming rules, you can choose "original" to keep the original filename "random" to get a completly random name and "mixted" to use part original and part random. If the system is set to original and the image already exists in the target folder, the system will use the mixted mode.
3. For now watermarks are not available but it will be added in future releases.
4. For now multiservers are not available but it will be added in future releases.
