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Random Images


Chevereto Noob
I've just added my own home brew random image module to the bottom of my new adult image hosting site :)
Feel free to critique it and I've provided the code below if anyone has any suggestions to make it faster / better coded.


//path to directory to scan. i have included a wildcard for a subdirectory
$directory = "images/thumbs/";

//get all image files with a .jpg extension.
$images = glob("" . $directory . "*.jpg");

$imgs = '';
// create array
foreach($images as $image){ $imgs[] = "$image"; }

//shuffle array

$imgs = array_slice($imgs, 0, 12);

//display images
foreach ($imgs as $img) {
$imgname = str_replace("images/thumbs/", "", $img);
echo "<a href=\"http://www.imagetease.com/?v=$imgname\"><img src='$img' class=\"randomphotos\"/></a>";
Hmm... okay their is a lot of things to be improve in your code, but here are some suggestions...

// There is no point of setting the directory path, since chevereto have already a constant for it....

// you are not force to add an "". before a variable or a constant
// instead of $directory lets use the chevereto constant
// Many thinks glob is limited to a single file type or directory, but it isn't so with GLOB_BRACE we can select as many files we want.
$images = glob('{'.__CHV_PATH_THUMBS__.'*.jpg,'.__CHV_PATH_THUMBS__.'*.png,'.__CHV_PATH_THUMBS__.'*.gif}', GLOB_BRACE);

// Images is already an array, so why should we make an array with an array?

//shuffle array

// instead of slicing the array, lets just make a shorter loop 
for ($i = 0; $i < 12; $i++)
    // we are going to use the ' quote because we are outputing html
    // basename return the file name, so no need to use the str replace
    // Still no points in using a absolute path, a relative one will do the job.
    // I don't like simply using ?v= as a relative path, so lets use an absolute path...
    print('<a href="'.absolute_to_url(__CHV_ROOT_DIR__).'?v='.basename($images[$i]).'"><img src='.absolute_to_url($images[$i]).' class="randomphotos" /></a>');

I didn't test it, tell me if you have any errors...
Thanks Danny thats just the feedback I was after :) Some great points in there and I learnt a thing or two I didn't know about PHP like the (.basename) option!
Intrestingly that code you sent is not working and is not generating any errors what so ever within the error_log... It's almost like its returning zero images... Any ideas?
stuart said:
Intrestingly that code you sent is not working and is not generating any errors what so ever within the error_log... It's almost like its returning zero images... Any ideas?

Doing a simple test "echo $images[1];" returns nothing, It looks like the $images array is empty...
Did you active the error reporting in chevereto? If you didn't their is not error that will be logged.

Anyway here is the fix:

first of all, I did a wrong copy and paste so instead of using the constant __CHV_PATH_THUMBS__ I was using _CHV_PATH_THUMBS__ (missing a _)

The second problem is really strange, anway, chevereto do not allow the index.php?v=XXX ... very strange... anyway simply remove the index.php

the third problem would be that glob return an absolute path, and we want an url, so I used absolute_to_url() function of chevereto to replace the absolute path to an url...

I fixed my code above.
Danny.Domb said:
Did you active the error reporting in chevereto? If you didn't their is not error that will be logged.

Anyway here is the fix:

first of all, I did a wrong copy and paste so instead of using the constant __CHV_PATH_THUMBS__ I was using _CHV_PATH_THUMBS__ (missing a _)

The second problem is really strange, anway, chevereto do not allow the index.php?v=XXX ... very strange... anyway simply remove the index.php

the third problem would be that glob return an absolute path, and we want an url, so I used absolute_to_url() function of chevereto to replace the absolute path to an url...

I fixed my code above.

Cheers mate thats perfect! I was using the raw apache logs which to the best of my knowledge will always log the error no matter what Chev says... I think Chev just suppresses on-screen errors?

Anyhow thanks v v much this is much faster than my code, managed to save a few MS loading time :p
Apache will log php syntax errors, but not if you are using a function with wrong parameters, or like in my case, a constant that do not exist. These are php error, and therefore will be log in the php log. Chevereto do not simply suppresses on-screen errors, it stop the logging of them completely, so if their is no syntax error, a "php" error, then these will neither be shown or logged.
Danny.Domb said:
Apache will log php syntax errors, but not if you are using a function with wrong parameters, or like in my case, a constant that do not exist. These are php error, and therefore will be log in the php log. Chevereto do not simply suppresses on-screen errors, it stop the logging of them completely, so if their is no syntax error, a "php" error, then these will neither be shown or logged.

Ah cheers for another great lesson in the world of php and chev :)