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Protecting Images Better.

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Chevereto Member
I think the Shortlinks are very unsafe..

If someone Uploads a Picture like domain.com/aA or domain.com/bA

These Shortlinks are too simple. If someone uploads sensible Datas and other can See it to just change two Digits.

It would be better to add an better Algorithmus to protect the privacy of some Guests on your Image Hoster!
In Chevereto the short URL are not for privacy, is for content scrapping (someone crawling all your content by using a consecutive /123 /124 /125 change in the URL. More information about this can be found here: http://chevereto.com/community/threads/discussion-short-link.2360/#post-16169

In Chevereto the public ids are generated by an algorithm that converts the integer id value (database) into an alphanumeric representation of it using the value in the definitions.php file. This means that each public id is most likely unique and your id "aA" is not the same as "aA" in another domain, they will map different integer ids.

Want privacy? Wait for password protect images. You can't rely safety on the URL, period.
Password Protect Images would be awesome too! If this is possible.. it would be great!
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