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Project Arachnid API credentials

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Chevereto Member

Im trying to add Project Arachnid API to Chevereto. However Arachnid gives me on their panel a API username and password, on Chevereto settings panel there is only possible to input one line of information. What is the correct way to fill this information on Chevereto?


api key = base64 encode api

I'm not sure because I use a script that automatically checks for csam after an image is uploaded and flags it later. This approach is better for performance. Project Arachnid authentication like this

'Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode("api-username:api-password")
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The API endpoint used by Chevereto is Arachnid API https://api.arachnid.c3p.ca/api/images/scan which is different from the Shield API. The Arachnid API doesn't seem to work with a base64 user:pass string.

Will email them and ask to update us on the current API they enable.
I can confirm that Project Arachnid has a new API, which is free for all after registration (awesome!) but it is all new and not compatible with the existing implementation in Chevereto (let's call it Project Arachnid Legacy API).

I need to add support for both APIs (legacy and new) which will take some time. Talking about bad timing as this new API came just by at the end of Chevereto v4.2 sprint. Will try to add it @ some v4.2.X if there's room for it.

Do please react/like this post to push things sooner.