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photo thumbnails

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Chevereto Member
I bought your licenses yesterday, everything works well, but I have a problem and a question:

Is it possible to obtain a thumbnail image size 200x200 pix, but that it will not be cropped.

make the thumbnail of the photo look great like a photo in a large format, without cropped heads etc.

thank you.
No. Thumbs are fixed, it has worked in that way since 3.0.0 and it won't change.

Medium image is flexible. You can use that thing but I won't encourage you to use medium as thumb.
It's strange that you do not want to change what you expect people to expect.

I read on the forum that many people annoy those trimmed thumbnails, so why not change it?

Thumb = fixed representation.
Medium = ajustable representation.

Thumbs will be always fixed to a certain size so it must be cropped unless you want stretched images.
I do not know, I take an example from other image hosting such as ImageBam or Pixhost, their thumbnails are 180x180 pixia and are not cut at all.

I mean the effect of thumbnails, they look like a thumbnail of a photo, not a cropped photo.

Can you get this effect?
Not at this time. I'm not taking new requests, but thanks for the input.
I know that many people would gladly buy your service, but these miniatures stand in the way.

I think that if you fix this problem in the future (for many people a big problem), your script will be much more popular, and hence, there will be more willing to buy it.

but this is my humble opinion, but it's your business.
thanks for your time, best regards.
I'm not against to improve things. But keep in mind two crucial factors:

1. It is way easier for me if you actually show me how it should work. Show, not tell. When you just tell me, I've to investigate something that I don't know and I've to assume that whatever I saw is what you actually want to achieve.

2. Request are closed and I'm just doing small functionality and bugs. I'm working on a new release and I choosed to close requests because that causes noise in my head.

Everybody knows how I work and I'm exhausted that every-single-day someone ask about stuff that I'm not up to analyze at this time. I'm working on a new major version, please understand.
You don't bother me. Is just that I can't pay attention to your concern at this time. Of course that some images get ugly thumbs and it should be fixed, but at this time I'm focused in the new major version and I'm working on the new Core so my head is somewhere else.
Will the thumbnail image in the new version be corrected ???
if I can know, what will the new version be different from the present one?
No, it won't get fixed in the next release and I can't confirm that it will fixed in the next major version.

Like I said, I'm not taking new requests.

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