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Permission to "delete," but not delete image, only hide from user


Chevereto Member
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Chevereto version

Description of the issue
I need an initial statement so I can implement the following function:

With delete permission enabled, but I want to change the delete function.

What would have to be done when deleting IMAGE:
1) Instead of delete from in the table images, execute update in column USER_ID switching to VISITOR. Hiding from his vision.
2) Do not delete image from folder.

What would have to be done when deleting ALBUM:
1) Instead of delete from in the table album, execute update in column USER_ID switching to VISITOR. Hiding from his vision.
2) Do not delete image from folder.
3) UPDATE images to album NULL.

Is there any other problem?

Where do I start? Do you already have something similar ready?
It worked!

public static function delete($id, $update_user=TRUE) {
        try {
            $image = self::getSingle($id, FALSE, TRUE);
            $disk_space_used = $image['size'] + $image['thumb']['size'] + $image['medium']['size'];

            /*if($image['file_resource']['type'] == 'path') {
                foreach($image['file_resource']['chain'] as $file_delete) {
                    if(file_exists($file_delete) and !@unlink($file_delete)) {
                        throw new ImageException("Can't delete file", 200);
            } else {

                $targets = [];

                foreach($image['file_resource']['chain'] as $k => $v) {
                    $targets[$k] = [
                        'key' => preg_replace('#'.G\add_ending_slash($image['storage']['url']).'#', '', $v),
                        'size'=> $image[$k]['size'],
                try {
                    Storage::deleteFiles($targets, $image['storage']);
                } catch(Exception $e) {
                    throw new Exception("Can't delete image - Storage error: '" . $image['storage']['name']."'");

            if($update_user and isset($image['user']['id'])) {
                DB::increment('users', ['image_count' => '-1'], ['id' => $image['user']['id']]);

            // Update album count
            if($image['album']['id'] > 0) {
                Album::updateImageCount($image['album']['id'], 1, '-');
            // Track stats
                'action'    => 'delete',
                'table'        => 'images',
                'value'        => '-1',
                'date_gmt'    => $image['date_gmt'],
                'disk_sum'    => $disk_space_used,
                'likes'        => $image['likes'],

            // Remove "liked" counter for each user who liked this image
            #DB::queryExec('UPDATE '.DB::getTable('users').' INNER JOIN '.DB::getTable('likes').' ON user_id = like_user_id AND like_content_type = "image" AND like_content_id = '.$image['id'].' SET user_liked = GREATEST(cast(user_liked AS SIGNED) - 1, 0);');

            /*if(isset($image['user']['id'])) {
                // Detect autolike
                $autoliked = DB::get('likes', ['user_id' => $image['user']['id'], 'content_type' => 'image', 'content_id' => $image['id']])[0];
                $likes_counter = (int) $image['likes']; // This is stored as "bigint" but PDO MySQL get it as string. Fuck my code, fuck PHP.
                if($autoliked) {
                    $likes_counter -= 1;
                if($likes_counter > 0) {
                    $likes_counter = 0 - $likes_counter;
                // Update user "likes" counter (if needed)
                if($likes_counter !== 0) {
                    DB::increment('users', ['likes' => $likes_counter], ['id' => $image['user']['id']]);
                // Remove notifications related to this image (owner notifications)
                    'table'        => 'images',
                    'image_id'    => $image['id'],
                    'user_id'    => $image['user']['id'],

            // Remove image likes
            #DB::delete('likes', ['content_type' => 'image', 'content_id' => $image['id']]);

            // Log image deletion
            /*DB::insert('deletions', [
                'date_gmt'            => G\datetimegmt(),
                'content_id'        => $image['id'],
                'content_date_gmt'    => $image['date_gmt'],
                'content_user_id'    => $image['user']['id'],
                'content_ip'        => $image['uploader_ip'],
                'content_views'        => $image['views'],
                'content_md5'        => $image['md5'],
                'content_likes'        => $image['likes'],
                'content_original_filename'    => $image['original_filename'],

            #return DB::delete('images', ['id' => $id]);
            return DB::update('images', ['user_id' => NULL], ['id' => $id]);
        } catch(Exception $e) {
            throw new ImageException($e->getMessage() .' (LINE:' . $e->getLine() . ')', 400);
Where do I enable the option for users to delete content?

I'm not finding this option!

Incorrect translation! :(, so I was not finding.

msgid "Enable user content delete"
msgstr "Ativar códigos embed (conteúdo)"

msg correct:

"Permitir usuário deletar o próprio conteúdo"