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Periods in filenames cause incomplete name

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Chevereto Member
I noticed if a file is named with periods in place of spaces the name is shortened to the first period location. Example:

My.Test.Image.png becomes: My.png

Where is the naming code that is causing this?
Nevermind, I found it. To anyone else looking it's in class.upload.php

After line 489 which has the following:
        $method = (!check_value($method) || !in_array($method, array('original', 'random', 'mixed')) ? 'original' : $method);

        $original_name = preg_replace('/\.+/', '_', substr($original_name,0,strrpos($original_name, ".")));

So your function looks like:
    private function nameFile($path='', $extension, $method, $original_name='') {
        $path = trim($path);
        $path = $path == '' ? './' : $path;
        $method = (!check_value($method) || !in_array($method, array('original', 'random', 'mixed')) ? 'original' : $method);
        $original_name = preg_replace('/\.+/', '_', substr($original_name,0,strrpos($original_name, ".")));
        $original_name = !check_value($original_name) ? generateRandomString(rand(5,10)) : preg_replace('/\.(.*)$/', '', $original_name); // Original name as it
        $original_name = preg_replace('/\s+/', '_', $original_name); // Original name with spaces changed to "_"
Actually the issue is a regex that is not ok. The problem can be easily fixed by changing the line 490 and 491 with this ones:
$original_name = !check_value($original_name) ? generateRandomString(rand(5,10)) : preg_replace('/\.[^.\s]{3,4}$/', '', $original_name); // Original name as it
$original_name = preg_replace('/[\s\.]+/', '_', $original_name); // Original name with spaces and dots changed to "_"
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