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Path Issues

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yes, I do. But I imported the .htaccess file into the url rewrite plugin, if you think that this is the problem.
Nope, that is not the issue. The issue is how the config file deals with the server paths. The system uses this snippet to do the trick:

define('__CHV_RELATIVE_ROOT__', str_ireplace(rtrim(str_replace('\\','/', realpath(str_replace($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], '', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']))), '/'), '', __CHV_ROOT_DIR__));

Perhaps you need to change it to:
define('__CHV_RELATIVE_ROOT__', str_ireplace(rtrim(str_replace('\\','/', realpath(str_ireplace($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], '', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']))), '/'), '', __CHV_ROOT_DIR__));
I have the problem with the upload like he had it. What did you to fix it?
Actually I don't know if he fix the problem or change to Apache. Thing is that the site was working.

When you use unsupported software this things could happen. You need to enable error_reporting in config.php and I have to do debug from there. Let me know when you have that enabled.
I activated the error reporting now.
And when open_basedir is C:\ the upload works. But I think that isn't a good idea. I tried it with C:\Inetpub\ etc. but that doesn't work....so wtf? :D I hope you can see something with the error reporting
Ok, first thing first... You need to change config.php to UTF-8 Without bom. use a text editor like Notepad++ to do that.

Rodolfo said:
You have change the file encoding in config.php and/or definitions.php
PHP has trouble when you set a file coding in UTF-8 because it sets a null char at the top at the file and PHP includes fails. To fix this, get a real code editor like notepad++, open the file, go to coding and choose UTF-8 without bom and the upload the files.
lol found that you are running 2.0.18... You should use 2.2.3 (last release).
And from the error reporting I got nothing, the system is not shouting the errors but I notice that remote upload is working. Perhaps is a issue with uploadify and IIS, not sure.
ok I updated chevereto but the file manager don't work and the issue with uploads is still there.
Thing is that is not shouting the error, I can't tell which is the exact problem.
I can review this and do real debug on your server, please send me FTP details by private conversation.
I sent you the details. And I know that the open_basedir is the problem. If it's "C:\" the script works but if it's "{DOCROOT}\" it doesn't work.
Hmm yep, I got the confirmation:
Warning: rename() [function.rename]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(C:\Windows\Temp\php1078.tmp) is not within the allowed path(s): (C:\Inetpub\vhosts\wvps176-28-43-206.dedicated.hosteurope.de\chevereto\) in C:\Inetpub\vhosts\wvps176-28-43-206.dedicated.hosteurope.de\chevereto\includes\classes\class.upload.php on line 309

Well, this is a server issue the script can't do more. Try to workaround your server.
That is just the debug, go to includes/config.php and set error_reporting to false
I opened C:\Windows\Temp\

But now I'm back to Apache....IIS sucks, MyBB had problems as well. But thanks for your help :)
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