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Passing variables?


Chevereto Member
I'm trying to pass a value from a hidden (for now, testing purposes) input field on the homepage to the process function in class.upload.php. Here's my code:


<input type="hidden" name="visibility" value="public">

and in class.upload.php

$_POST['visibility'] <- returns an empty value

Is there some flow that a variable needs to follow that I'm missing?

I've even tried the following:

in upload.php

$visibility = $_POST['visibility'];

in uploader.php

$upload->visibility = $visibility;

and tried setting the variable in class.upload.php

$vis = $this->visibility;


$vis = $upload->visibility;

For those who happen to come across this thread in the future and are attempting the same thing, here is my (probably ass-backwards) solution. If some of you code pros see a better way, please tell me.

I think I have way too much code, but I stopped making changes after it finally worked.

On index.php

<label class="radio">
    <input type="radio" name="public" id="public" value="true">
    Make Public
<label class="radio">
    <input type="radio" name="public" id="private" value="false">
    Make Private
<input id="vis" value="" type="hidden">
$("#public").click(function() {
  var publicVis = 'true';
$("#private").click(function() {
  var publicVis = 'false';

In peafowl.php, after:

    /*** upload ***/
    $(upload_button).click(function () {

I added:


So, now in class.upload.php I can grab the value with:


and that gives me either a true or false. I insert those, along with a ton of other variables, into my database.

So much work for a single variable.