• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

    Please keep in mind:

    • 😌 This community is user driven. Be polite with other users.
    • 👉 Is required to purchase a Chevereto license to participate in this community (doesn't apply to Pre-sales).
    • 💸 Purchase a Pro Subscription to get access to active software support and faster ticket response times.
  • Chevereto Support CLST

    Support response

    Support checklist

    • ⚠️ Got a Something went wrong message? Read this guide and provide the actual error. Do not skip this.
    • ✅ Confirm that the server meets the System Requirements
    • 🔥 Check for any available Hotfix - your issue could be already reported/fixed
    • 📚 Read documentation - It will be required to Debug and understand Errors for a faster support response

Paid Version Not Showing

PHP version
Database driver
Database version
Web browser


Chevereto Member
I have a license key for the paid version.

I use a docker-compose file with the CHEVERETO_LICENSE_KEY environment variable set.

When I upgrade the version, the software now shows that I'm using the free version instead.

Please can you tell me how to get the paid version back?

Please refer to the documentation.

TL;DR: When using Docker you should build the chevereto:latest tag for the paid version. If that's not an option, you need to pass the CHEVERETO_SERVICING=server env. By doing this the system will enable updates on the filesystem but beware: Docker is intended to be used with persistence, if you stop/down the container you will require to re-run the upgrade process as Docker container will revert to the original image contents.