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OpenGraph APP_ID


Chevereto Noob
I'd like to add my APP_ID to my site, however it seems OpenGraph is controlled by the header.php, and only renders specific items. For example, I added the app_id to the primary unextended array, but it isn't rendered.

$open_graph = [
    'type'            => 'website',
    'url'            => G\get_current_url(),
    'title'            => CHV\getSetting('website_doctitle'),
    'image'            => CHV\getSetting('homepage_cover_images')[0]['url'],
    'site_name'         => CHV\getSetting('website_name'),
    'description'        => CHV\getSetting('website_description'),
    'app_id'            => '440368436861698'

I'm assuming I may be overriding wrong?
What's the best way to make sure an override is in use without obviously just making some key change to look for?

As I mentioned I'm overriding the "header.php" in ../overrides of the theme.

As you said it is straight forward as I thought it would be but I just seem to be having issues overriding I guess, cause Chevereto should render it, I even see it simply loops through the array and outputs the meta tags.
A cheap way is to var_dump and die. There could be a cache aswel, is very common to encouter hard cache issues when servers are configured for production instead of development. It could be the case, so you should start with the obvious checks, just in case.