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No validation on remote url


Chevereto Noob
If you type something random in the remote-url-field, you do not get an error message, but instead you get a PHP warning, and the picture does not get uploaded.
gonzalarcon said:
of course, the demo has disabled the debug :p

Dice... Si pones cualquier cosa al azar en el campo de url remota, no te sale un mensaje de error sino que un warning de PHP y la imagen no es subida.
Rodolfo said:
gonzalarcon said:
of course, the demo has disabled the debug :p

Dice... Si pones cualquier cosa al azar en el campo de url remota, no te sale un mensaje de error sino que un warning de PHP y la imagen no es subida.

But don't you agree that a reminder/error message would be more appropriate instead of the php warning?
Look up the demo, the demo doesn't have that. So its your config/server
Ahh my bad. Do you have any idea of what I'd have to do to fix this error?

My config looks like this:


/* -----------------------------------------

  Chevereto - Script de hosting de imagenes
  Nightly Build 1.4 (25/02/2009)

  Released under the GPL 2.0
  Copyright (C) 2008 by Rodolfo Berrios
  <inbox at rodolfoberrios dot com>

  ----------------------------------------- */

// Lang
define('LANG', 'en'); // en - English, es - Español, fa - Farsi

define('APP_NAME', 'Godlike');
define('TAG_LINE', 'Image hosting'); 

// Si cambias esto deberas cambiar las carpetas fisicas

// Configuraciones de imagenes
$max_mb = '2.0'; // Maximo tamaño de imagen (Mbytes)
$max_by = $max_mb*1048576; // Maximo tamaño de imagen en bytes)
$max_name = '10'; // Caracteres maximos (no incluye ext y ".")
$mini_ancho = '100'; // Ancho del thumb (pixels)
$mini_alto = '100'; // Alto del thumb (pixels)
$lowres = '16'; // Minimo ancho a redimensionar
$higres = '1280'; // Maximo ancho de redimension

// Configuracion espedifica 
$lim_act = true; 
$debug_mode = false;
$cut_url = true; 
$cut_url_user = true; establecer preferencia
$allow_over_resize = false;

$use_ftp = true;
$ftp_host = DOM_SCRIPT;
$ftp_user = '******';
$ftp_pass = '******';

// No editar, salvo problemas

$path = dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
if (strlen($path)>1) { 
    define('PATH_SCRIPT', $path.'/');
} else {
    define('PATH_SCRIPT', $path);

// URL


Right now all folders are chmodded 777 and I've installed PHP5, GD (enabling Zlib) and cURL on my server.

What can it possibly be?