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Multiple Files Problems

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Is not a mod_rewrite issue and it seems to be a session issue. This means that PHP can't properly read/write sessions. To test if this is the error add this code on includes/config.php just before ?>

session_save_path (__CHV_ROOT_DIR__);

Save and upload the file, then try the multiupload... If it works, it means that PHP can't read/write session files properly from the (most likely) /tmp folder. The /tmp folder is a system folder that the webserver uses to store temporal data (like the session files). Is usual that some server admins forget to fix the permissions of this folder so PHP can't properly read/write.

You have two alternatives:
  1. Ask your hosting company or server administrator to fix the permissions on the PHP session folder (best alternative)
  2. Use a public folder with no index like "sessions" and set this path on the Chevereto config file (something like session_save_path (__CHV_ROOT_DIR__."sessions");
If you need more help just ask me ;)
Ok, got it to work using your suggestions, now one more question if I may, when I upload more than one file at the same time, I can only see one on the uploaded page, not the second one, do you know what this could be please?
Actually your sessions still doesn't work, at least for me. It still send me back to /index when uploading multiple files.
Hmm ok strange then, ok so this sessions folder you are talking about, which config file do I put this then -->
(something like session_save_path (__CHV_ROOT_DIR__."sessions");

Please and thank you already for the help
If you put this code on config.php:
session_save_path (__CHV_ROOT_DIR__."sessions");

The session save path will be something like: /home/mysite/chevereto/sessions, so you must create that directory and make sure that PHP has permissions over that dir. If you run suPHP you don't need to do anything but if you don't run PHP with permission you will need to chmod that folder to 0755 or even 0777 in some cases. Please advice that this workaround is not recommended, you should ask your hosting company to fix the session save path in your server.
Ok, I asked them to do that and they seem to have done that, now for the other issue still though, any idea please ?
Now it does not seem to work anymore, is there a chance I can give someone FTP access so you can have a look at it for me because I am not really getting anywhere lol
I can apply the workaround for you. But I must tell you that is not the safest and best way to do it. If you are OK with that send me FTP details via private conversation, I will look up tomorrow (4AM here, I'm going to the bed).
Hey mate,

Done, yes I am fine with that, the FTP I just sent you gives you access to root on the server as well and there is a tmp folder there, but yeah have a look around and see what you can do for me that would be great when you can :

With kind regards,

It seems that you have issues with CloudFlare. Can you disable CloudFlare and see if it works? If works with CloudFlare off then the issue is most likely something like extreme cache config in CloudFlare.
Ok, completely disabled now, seems to be working but still when uploading multiple files.. how do I see all of them, I can only ever see one at the time ?
Try to flush your browser cache. I've just tested and it works so it must be a Cloudflare configuration which is causing this. My guess is that you are minifying JS or doing a extreme cache.

Try to Disable auto minify JS, set Caching level to BASIC and set Performance profile to CDN only.
Ah ok, works for me now too, so I will set up Cloudflare the way you said and see what happens

EDIT just done it and seems to work now ?
Yep, seems that it works. Try to purge the cache and if it works then the config is OK.
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