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mobile upload menu

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Chevereto Member
hello, can I change somehow the mobile upload menu, because I would like to have only "take photo" option without video, I can't find anywhere this menu in code to delete the possibility of video uploading, thanks for help
There's no video uploading support, problem is that mobile prompt depends on each mobile OS.

I have a OnePlus phone and I see an option to upload video, it just can't go away with this phone even taking into account that the input only accepts images.

Problem here is just the OS, can't help with that.
do you think that apple's support can help with that?
No, they won't do anything. If you notice another image hosting website (not Chevereto based) without that video file picker just let me know to try to get that on Chevereto. I'm on the very same quest, I haven't found an image hosting without that Camera + Video file picker.

P.S. Websites, not apps.
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