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Chevereto version
Description of the issue
My categories All, Recent, Trending and Animated don't work. Every time I get this error message:
Fatal error [103]: Missing $sort_type
Triggered in /galerie/app/lib/functions.php at line 73
Stack trace:
#0 /galerie/app/lib/classes/class.listing.php(627): CHV\missing_values_to_exception(CHV\Listing, 'CHV\ListingException', Array, 100)
#1 /galerie/app/lib/classes/class.listing.php(112): CHV\Listing->validateInput()
#2 /galerie/app/routes/route.explore.php(80): CHV\Listing->exec()
#3 /galerie/lib/G/classes/class.handler.php(216): G\Handler->{closure}(G\Handler)
#4 /galerie/lib/G/classes/class.handler.php(120): G\Handler->processRequest()
#5 /galerie/app/loader.php(615): G\Handler->__construct(Array)
#6 /galerie/index.php(20): include_once('/galerie/app/loader.php')
I tried everything you suggested to me in my older post (sorry for the late answer, was away). I really don't know what to do.
Or if nothing would help is there a way to just disable those categories?
Chevereto version
Description of the issue
My categories All, Recent, Trending and Animated don't work. Every time I get this error message:
Fatal error [103]: Missing $sort_type
Triggered in /galerie/app/lib/functions.php at line 73
Stack trace:
#0 /galerie/app/lib/classes/class.listing.php(627): CHV\missing_values_to_exception(CHV\Listing, 'CHV\ListingException', Array, 100)
#1 /galerie/app/lib/classes/class.listing.php(112): CHV\Listing->validateInput()
#2 /galerie/app/routes/route.explore.php(80): CHV\Listing->exec()
#3 /galerie/lib/G/classes/class.handler.php(216): G\Handler->{closure}(G\Handler)
#4 /galerie/lib/G/classes/class.handler.php(120): G\Handler->processRequest()
#5 /galerie/app/loader.php(615): G\Handler->__construct(Array)
#6 /galerie/index.php(20): include_once('/galerie/app/loader.php')
I tried everything you suggested to me in my older post (sorry for the late answer, was away). I really don't know what to do.
Or if nothing would help is there a way to just disable those categories?