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Mass Resizing


Chevereto Noob

I'd like to inquire as to how the resizing options work. I can see from the public demo that when I upload pictures, I can resize them. I'd have the following specific questions:

- Can I resize images after they've been uploaded and I've navigated away from that "popin"?
- Can I resize images there or elsewhere in bulk, but not across all images? E.g. I set a max width of 400 and apply it to all selected images with auto height values
- Can I set a max w/h that is auto applied to all uploads?
- With regards to the previous, how about restricted by usergroup (e.g. all X group gets auto resized to 400w, all Y group gets resized to 600px)
- In all resizing instances, are the originals preserved?

- Can I resize images after they've been uploaded and I've navigated away from that "popin"?
Resize is only available prior image upload. Uploaded images can't be resized.

- Can I resize images there or elsewhere in bulk, but not across all images? E.g. I set a max width of 400 and apply it to all selected images with auto height values
- Can I set a max w/h that is auto applied to all uploads?
As an administrator, you can force all uploads to auto resize if a certain size constraint is reached. For example, anything bigger than 1000px wide will be auto resized to 400px. You set a limit for both width and height and the system will always fit the image within the max. allowed resolution.

- With regards to the previous, how about restricted by usergroup (e.g. all X group gets auto resized to 400w, all Y group gets resized to 600px)
At this time Chevereto doesn't have usergroups but surely when that gets added the auto-resize will be an option because you can have different tiers and allow bigger res for top groups only.

- In all resizing instances, are the originals preserved?
No, the resize doesn't keep the originals at all.

Hope it helps,
@Rodolfo Thank you for the quick response. Is there a way to bulk resize during the upload process rather than clicking the edit icon on each image one by one? If there is no direct GUI way, what would happen if I changed the admin settings for max dimensions prior to each upload? Would that retroactively affect previously upload images?

Good to hear about usergroups coming. Do you have any ETA on that?

@Focker It will be self-hosted. Why?
@Focker It will be self-hosted. Why?
I use TMDHosting. If I click on "Images" in the cPanel it brings up an option called "Scaler" - Change the size of images in a directory.

I can go through each image that has already been uploaded (one by one, unfortunately) and resize. I do have a max setting of 800x600, but some images made it through until Rodolfo helped me fix that issue. Now it works like a dream...He's awesome!