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MAMP causes "redirect loop"


Chevereto Member
I just gotten a Macintosh, and i was going to complete developments on works i'm doing with Chevereto. I've installed MAMP Pro for local use (server) so that i can do everything on the fly than depending on my server for now. I ran the Chevereto tool and all is good. Took a look a the .htaccess file and all seems a-okay even with a few modifications i added and still nothing. So basically i'm stuck with http://d.pr/i/4s2X via (Error 310 (net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS): There were too many redirects.)If anyone is using MAMP can you guide me in the right direction, i'm very new to the Mac but still learning as i go. I know this is a common issue from looking using the search function here but hopefully it's just a bug soon to be fixed.
I've a similar issue when I was testing Wamp server. The solution was add an alias like this:

Alias /chevereto/ "/path/to/the/website/chevereto/"
<Directory "/path/to/the/website/chevereto/">
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
    AllowOverride all
        Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

And in the Chevereto root .htaccess make sure to have this directive:
RewriteBase /chevereto

The problem is (most likely) a wrong handling of the website path due to the bad server setup. In that case you can force the root path in the includes/config.php file. Perhaps that will work.
I've a similar issue when I was testing Wamp server. The solution was add an alias like this:

Alias /chevereto/ "/path/to/the/website/chevereto/"
<Directory "/path/to/the/website/chevereto/">
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
    AllowOverride all
        Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

And in the Chevereto root .htaccess make sure to have this directive:
RewriteBase /chevereto

The problem is (most likely) a wrong handling of the website path due to the bad server setup. In that case you can force the root path in the includes/config.php file. Perhaps that will work.

Thanks, i tried this out and i applied it and was no good but thankfully you stated the force path forgot all about that, that fixed the iss thanks ;) Now i can get on developing :D