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Make images only viewable when logged-in


Hi there,

I was wondering if it's possible to configure Chevereto in a way that you can only view images when you are logged in? And possibly setting it as default for all uploads.

I'm trying to piece together a website where everyone in the family can upload and view (vacation) photos but as far as I'm aware the images are always viewable when you have the link. (You have to sign in to upload and view content and the sign-up is disabled, I manually add family members)

Under Dashboard -> Settings -> Content privacy mode, there is an option to set it viewable for self or with a link. Is there a hidden option somewhere to set it viewable when you are logged in?

Set your website to members only, in that way only members will be able to interact with the website.

Dashboard > Settings > Website > Website privacy mode = private.
Hi Rodolfo, thanks for the quick reply. That's the setting I'm currently using but the photos are still visible when you have the link.
Like this: www.<site>/image/AbC

You cannot interact with the photo in any way but it's still visible without logging in.
I also understand that you won't be able to use any embed codes this way as well.
When you set the website to private, it will request sign in for everybody. You can override the content privacy if you want to force things or let the user control that stuff.

I also understand that you won't be able to use any embed codes this way as well.

Yes you can, but only direct codes will work.