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Logo problem in iOS, Text behind Logo Problem

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Chevereto Member
Message: I am facing few issues.
1. I can't see logo in iphone 4s, ipad retina. I already uploaded logo.svg to the server. http://prntscr.com/3k1lyo
2. Whenever I refresh page (ctrl+F5) I can see chevereto behind website logo. http://prntscr.com/3k1kyz
3.I need 50 latest images on home page or Explore page as default home page.
Please can you fix this. Thanks
1. That is more likely a server issue rather than a script issue. Make sure that the server is serving the file correctly.
2. Same as 1.
3. Edit index.php, set the limit in the class initialization. You will also need to edit style.css
Hi, I can see logo.svg shows in desktop and laptops, But I can't see in iphone and ipad.
logo.png is uploaded to the server, but it is not showing anywhere.
Try using default Chevereto logo. If works using the default logo then the issue is that your SVG is not standar for iOS.
Can you please create and provide me logo.svg and logo.png files, I will just upload it to server. (Font I used : Showcard Gothic).Its confusing for me. Its my last wish
You only need to save the logo as svg (for mobile devices) and png (old browsers). SVG is used because in devices with high screen density a PNG logo will look pretty bad and with SVG you will show a flawless logo.


Converting the PNG to SVG is the same as just change .svg to .png in the header.php file, I mean, you are totally missing the goal of the SVG which is show a perfect logo in your header.

If you have the font to create this logo you should go to the program that you use and save as svg. Illustrator or any program that works with vector graphics can do that, including gimp.
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I understand what you have said, I am getting logo.svg except on iOS devices. I have converted logo.png to logo.svg but still problem exist, Is there any particular dimensions of image to convert to svg ?
Again, don't convert it to svg. Create the svg from the vector logo source.
By the way, 3.2.2 will include logo manage from admin dashboard. Actually it will allow logo upload (vector and raster) + favicon upload + custom CSS + custom JS.
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