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Login needed for linked images - "Private" site

Website URL
PHP version
Database driver
Database version
Web browser


💖 Chevereto Fan
Reproduction steps
  1. Site is set to "Private" mode which requires a user login to upload or view images.
  2. Embed codes are used to post full size images on forums without links
  3. Embed codes are used to post thumbnails or medium size images with link to the full size image.
Expected result
The display of the full size image (or viewing) is available to any person. This works perfectly with embed codes without links or direct url of the image. For example:


When a thumbnail with a link is posted the expected result would be to be able to click on the thumbnail to display the full size image.

Unexpected result
When a thumbnail with a link is posted a login is requested before the full size image can be viewed.
For example:

This can be resolved by replacing the image shortcode in the link with the full url.

Error log message
Does not apply
Last edited:
Or alternatively make it so that a link to an individual image, using the image shortcode, does not require a login.