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Link display in 2.4


Chevereto Member
Hi, I have always changed to Version 2.3, the Peaflow.php to change the link to display.
So that it does not look like: [Link]

But this: [link][link] ...

Now, since version 2.4 the Peaflow.php disappeared. :) Where can I change that now?
Sorry am a complete NooB :)
The $newlinechar argument

The $newlinechar argument is a optional value that you can use to tell the template tag how to handle the line break. This argument is widely used on the images template tags.
Since the images template tags returns several formated values (not like the image template tags which returns a single value) the $newlinechar is perfect to tell the template tag how to deal with the line break.

The available alias values for the $newlinechar argument are:
  • "\n" (default)
  • "default" which is alias of "\n"
  • "hr" to use HTML <hr />
  • "br" to use HTML <br />
For example, if you want to separate the results using a space for the show_images_bbcode() template tag you should do something like this:
show_images_bbcode(' ');

Which will output:
[img]http://demo.chevereto.com/images/image1.jpg[/img] [img]http://demo.chevereto.com/images/image2.jpg[/img] [img]http://demo.chevereto.com/images/imageN.jpg[/img]