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Let user select server

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Chevereto Member
Hello Rodolfo,

I know that Chevereto v3 will feature multiserver support, so I was wondering how easy it'd be to implement something like this.

Some users will be geographically far away from the fileserver and in some cases a CDN might prove to be too expensive (Australia, Japan, India and Brasil for example). It'd be cheaper to have multiple fileservers spread geographically.

Basic Solution:
The admin adds fileservers and in one field also enters the location.
When the user is about to upload an image, he can select from a dropdown menu the location of the fileserver he wants to upload his files to.

Advanced solution:
The script automatically detects the location of the user and uploads the files to the nearest server to him.

I realize I might be asking for too much, even after you went so far as to listen to our requests and actually add multiserver + CDN support in the version (thank you for that!). But even so, I was wondering what your thoughts were on the matter :).
The thing with the CDN locations is not exactly to make the site faster, is to save money with less traffic and either way that delivery is not PHP job, is part of the server balancer so the script has nothing to do here. PHP balancing CDN clusters according to user location may be way slower and not efficient.
I think multi server won't be needed for most users of Chevereto as not many currently are large enough to require another server to help.
Although in servers "more is better", the idea of multiserver equals direct scalability is false. That is because there isn't a scability system based just on scripting that can really help the machines.
We have tools like APC or memcache that can be fired from scripting, we can call commands to perform certain task directly instead of using PHP built in libraries but adding just one more server doesn't leverage the load. In this case the thing that you need is an architecture that helps you to build your own scalable system. The script job is only be ready for it.

I know that in the current version the pitfalls are mostly image handling but in the newer V3 I have to test a lot to tell what are the new added pitfalls. Anyway, I'm thinking in doing a separate release with more muscle and machine library dependencies because the standard version just can't scale that easy (and it doesn't need it).
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