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Is it possible to move sftp storage images to wasabi?


Chevereto Member
Is it possible to move SFTP storage images to wasabi? If Yes is it from the backend or manual any instructions, please?

If you use bandwidth, minimum cost is not something you should be worried about at all.

I use over 500gb bandwidth daily atm and my total storage is just 117gb, so wasabi is out of question.
With b2 you'll be fine as long as cloudflare doesn't kick you, b2 -> cloudflare is free atm.
But after that your cost will all depend on how much bandwidth you use.

So, the cheapest thing you can do is buy a dedicated server from a decent network and use it as ftp storage, ovh or hetzner are good ones. Don't use hetzner if you plan on allowing adult content though.
You sure you wanna use wasabi for an image hosting site?


Regarding your question, you mentioned sftp so I'm assuming you have a vps or dedicated.
If wasabi gives you ftp credentials to transfer files, you can easily connect to it via ssh and push the files from the server