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iOS + macOS "Upload to Chevereto" shortcut


🥑 Chevereto Godlike
Chevereto Staff

Some time ago @Fumi shared a iOS shortcut for Chevereto, I've made some improvements on top of it.
  1. Support for multiple files
  2. Works by dropping files into the icon/open select files
  3. Works as quick action (right click upload to Chevereto)
  4. Filters extensions
  5. Automatic to JPEG conversion (if needed)
  6. ERROR + OK collection
To setup this download the attachment, when importing it will ask for "Chevereto URL" (enter your Chevereto URL like https://demo.chevereto.com) and for "API key" (enter the API key you get from /settings/api OR the public API).

Hope you can give it a try.

