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Integration with photo/file management software


đź‘‘ Chevereto Godlike
Chevereto Staff
đź’ˇDescribe your Feature request

Chevereto could offer an API specification for syncing or sourcing user content from third-party software like Nextcloud or Immich. By configuring your Chevereto API within the third-party platform, users could access a convenient “Export to Chevereto” button to quickly publish their content.

đź‘ŹWhere did you saw this?

Media management software is widely used for managing large collections on your own infrastructure (e.g., hard disks). However, these tools often lack the sharing capabilities, especially at the scale and robustness that Chevereto delivers.

It would be great to selectively publish content sourced from these collections, easily and securely, all under the Chevereto umbrella.

Chevereto could provide seamless integration, adding the missing sharing layer to these platforms, enabling effortless and scalable media sharing.

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