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Install problem

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The message

Can't find app/loader.php

Is saying that the system can't include that file and that is all where the system starts his execution. The code looks like this:

/*** Load the G app ***/
if(!include_once('app/loader.php')) die("Can't find app/loader.php");

Is really odd that the system shouts that error unless the file is not there. If the file is there then the problem is more harder to debug and most likely is related to server setup.
You are running PHP 5.3 and Chevereto needs atleast PHP 5.4. I asked in your host and they run 5.6 by default. You only need to switch to 5.4+ in the folder where you installed Chevereto.
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Thank you so much for the swift reply. I just switched it or updated it to 5.4 it will take 30 minutes to take effect. I hope the problem is fixed with this, Have a nice night :)
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