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Images not deleted from SFTP external storage


Chevereto Member
I've just enabled SFTP external storage, and upload is working.
After deleting images from admin portal with Success, they are still remaining on remote storage.

How can I debug this?
After upgrading to 3.18, even the above code editing does not help ((
How to solve the issue of deleting files from a remote SFTP storage, other than manually deleting them from there, checking the file names after deleting them from the admin panel? This is a perversion that nullifies the whole idea of using che
Have you added the cron job from Dashboard?
I didn't add it specifically, but it looks like it was added during installation: * * * * * IS_CROWN=1 /usr/bin/php /home/****/cron.php >/dev/null 2>&1
Everything worked on 3.17 (with the above code edit), but stopped with the update to 3.18. Cron started and manually from the console, does not help
No, this is shared hosting, not VPS. I have a user account. Now I will try to communicate with the hoster. What should be the cron start interval?
Я уверен, что он это сделает. Но спросите об интервале. У меня тоже есть VPS, но для некоторых целей я предпочитаю виртуальный хостинг. Потому что голова находится в одном месте, а хранилище - в другом.
Я уверен, что он это сделает. Но спросите об интервале. У меня тоже есть VPS, но для некоторых целей я предпочитаю виртуальный хостинг. Потому что голова находится в одном месте, а хранилище - в другом.
English ?
He will, I'm sure. But ask about the interval. I also have a VPS, but for some purposes I prefer virtual hosting. Because the head is in one place, and the storage is in another.
If your host is using cpanel or plesk. Go to cronjob area and add that cron job command that you see inside chevereto on dashboard page. * * * * * means every minutes.
Yes, the problem went away with the cron edit. Although with 3.17, for some reason, it worked like that...

The question remains: leave app/lib/classes/class.sftp.php with the above edits and protect against overwriting or return the original one and hope that the author does not forget about it on the next update?

I use the usual regular openssh-server for linux as sftp storage with typical small config edits, of which there are plenty on the network. I think this is the most popular option, and since che has such a function, it is necessary to focus on such a config by default.