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Images move from user to user


Chevereto Member
Hi, Rodolfo

Can I be asked to do this function.
For example some User create 2 accounts User1 and User2.
Upload some images to User1, later miss pass from User1 and start Upload to User2 account.
And user ask me, can I move his images from User1 to User2 account.
This can be a useful feature.

Thank you and I'll hope that it will be implemented.
You can do it simply changing the user ids in the images table.
I know I can do through phpmyadmin, but can be such a function will be useful for others who do not know how

But anyway thanks for the reply
I know I can do through phpmyadmin, but can be such a function will be useful for others who do not know how

If I start doing that I will end up with countless functions like those. Not needed, simple as that.